January 2024

Happy February from the Green Meadows Team!

We started 2024 with a bang! From filming with BBC East Midlands, running new events and launching the Toolshare, January has just flown by! Read on to find out about all this and much more!

Green Meadows makes the news!

Green Meadows spent the day filming with BBC East Midlands! Local resident Khadja was featured, showcasing her Future Fit Plan which was developed by Green Meadow’s Retrofit Coordinator, Jake. The Future Fit plan assesses the energy usage in a home and makes tailored recommendations that are needed to retrofit and optimise its energy efficiency. The plan highlighted home improvements which have benefited Khadja’s property by identifying the need for improved draughtproofing around her door and low carbon technology such as Solar PV Panels.

Through her referral to Nottingham Energy Partnership (NEP), Khadja was found to be eligible for a Government grant to fund Solar PV Panels. If you would like to see if you are eligible for any of Nottingham Energy Partnership’s services, click here.

Keep your eyes peeled for the content being featured on the Green Meadows website.

The Library Knowledge Bank gets a Fashionable Display

Green Meadows set up a display in the local library which educates residents on the reality of fast fashion. Suitable for all age ranges, with fun sewing activities for children, educational books on upcycling, and featured details on the Make Do and Mend workshop.

Fast fashion is one of the biggest issues we as consumers are facing. Not only is it bad for the planet, but it is also bad for the people working in the fashion industry. Did you know that over 2 MILLION TONS of clothes go to landfill every year? A large portion of these clothes are also made from unsustainable materials such as polyester which can take up to 700 years to decompose!

Why not take time this week to reflect on what you’re buying, why, and how that impacts the world. See if you are shopping sustainably and making your clothes last.

Tips on how to mend and make do, shop sustainably, and more information on fast fashion can be found here: The Real Cost Of Fast Fashion — Green Meadows Knowledge Bank

Eat and Learn Workshops Continue to be a Success!

In December, we launched the first of the Eat and Learn Workshops, which are proving to be very popular! For January, we hosted a ‘Mend and Make Do’ workshop which showed residents how to fix their old clothes so they can continue to wear them instead of sending them to landfill. During this event, delicious vegan food was provided and our experts taught people the basics of sewing, including different stitches.

Our Eat and Learn workshops are continuing to run on the third Saturday of each month. The next Eat and Learn session ‘Make a slow cooker’ is taking place on Saturday 17th February. To book your place or view our upcoming events, click here.

The Green Meadows Toolshare has now Launched!

Do you find that your DIY projects often need tools you don’t have?

The Green Meadows Toolshare launched at the beginning of January and has already allowed residents to rent hand and power tools free of charge. Whether you need to do some DIY or want to make some home improvements based on your Future Fit Plan, the Toolshare makes DIY projects more affordable as well as being kinder to the environment!

If you would like to hire a tool, visit www.toolshare.greenmeadows.uk to register and start reserving tools!

Have you used one of our tools and finished a project? Take a picture of your handy work and send it to comms@greenmeadows.uk for it to be featured in our next newsletter or on social media!

Introducing The Green Meadows Insulation Guide!

Green Meadows have been working on a new project that will be launching soon. To further assist residents with retrofitting and improving the energy efficiency of homes, we will be launching the Green Meadows Insulation Guide this month.

The Insulation Guide is a new resource which includes all the different property types in the Old Meadows Conservation area and creates personalised professional drawings specific for insulating your Victorian home. Whether you have a bay window, an extension or dormer windows in your property, you will have the option to select all of the individual features that make up your property and download your own guide which includes information on how to deal with common tricky details (e.g. where your roof insulation meets the wall insulation).

You may already have the skills to carry this work out on your own, but if not, this guide can also be given to your builder to show them how you want the work to be done.

Keep an eye out for more updates coming soon!

To keep in touch with us, you can sign up to our monthly newsletter here for the latest news and events.


February 2024


December 2023